Thursday, September 22, 2016

I Blame...

I blame God for the eviction of Eden. Why? Because why would he put a tree in the middle of the garden and tell a woman and a man specifically not to touch it. What's the point of that? I don't think it was fair for the woman (Eve) and the man (Adam) because they were so tempted to just see what the big deal was about the tree. For example, in section 3 the woman saw the fruit on the tree and saw it looked good so she probably thought it looks good, so why not eat it. I understand why some people say it was the woman's (Eve) fault for getting kicked out of the Garden of Eden but you can't blame a person for wanting to try something. If someone puts something in front of you and says not to touch it. You want to touch it. You want to see what that thing is and what it does. Well that's like the tree. Also if the tree is such a big deal and he doesn't want anyone to touch it or take the fruit or do anything to that tree, why should it even be out there in the garden in the first place? Its God's fault for making Eve and Adam so tempted. And in the end it was God who was the one who set them up for their misery.

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